Innovation Automotive Forum
9th / 10th May 2024
FORO BOARIO, Camera di Commercio di Chieti-Pescara
The first edition of the Innovation Automotive Forum will be held on 9 and 10 May 2024, where Abruzzo wants to present its excellence and its system of skills; the event which will take place in the FORO BOARIO, Camera di Commercio di Chieti-Pescara, in Abruzzo, a region where there is a hub dedicated to the automotive sector which constitutes a reality of great importance in Italy and throughout Europe.
To participate at the event, register by filling out the form.
Once you have registered, you will receive an automatic confirmation email and within the next 24 hours, you will receive the QR Code necessary for accreditation.
Please bring it with you at the event.
For any help please contact info@innovationautomotiveforum.it
It is no longer possible to register for the event.